Tuesday, August 22, 2006


And so it begins. There will be no more SL for some time for me :( Funny how you become attached to the friends you have each day.. the people you've come to know and laugh with. I have had so much fun with all of secondlife for the last couple months, but I have to admit that in the last couple of weeks, I have become burdened with blahs. I have gotten too involved in some situations, found a routine within my secondlife, and it makes it hard to leave for even a short time. At the same time, questioning and doubts, boredom and being in a rutt... these things make the break seem like it comes at a very good time. I got to spend the time I wanted with the people who are most important to me and that's what means the most to me. Drama and interesting people and situations I'm sure will be there when I return, and for now I'm relieved to say I'm giving some of that a rest. Too bad in real life u can't really step away when things get shitty, eh? lol. That's not to say it's gotten shitty. There are just shittier aspects of it that taking a breather will help. But don't for a minute think that you have gotten rid of me so easily! I will beg to know what's going on in YOUR sl, lol, and I will be haunting sl.me and yahoo and skype. Remember I need frequent doses of sl comings and goings so that I don't get too home sick :P Kisses for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell us, Rosie, what is this "real life" of which you speak. "dial up", hmmm, sounds innocent enough, but it's bad, is it? I say, all this technobabble is making me want to go shopping. What's that? You'd like to shop too? Weell, dial up, or whatever, and come chat with us, SOON! and we'll buy you what you need for when you come back. Look for a "telephoam" in your inventory. Did I get it right? Isn't that what you ppl call it?

Theriously, we miss you, and can't wait to see you! *waves*