Wednesday, September 13, 2006


As is in our nature, we tend to reassess our lives, our choices, our friendships, our successes and failures regularly in our lives. On New Years we often review the past year, make plans for the coming year, and reevaluate our hopes and dreams... we come to terms with where we are on the great road map of our lives be it SL or RL. Birthdays are another of those times I find myself doing all of those things. Today, I am struck by all that has come and gone in the last 365 days. One year ago today I was surprised by all my closest friends in SL on my birthday. Minding my own business and thinking it would be just another day... nothing remarkable... I was thrilled and wowed to find that a party had been thrown together for me on the sly. A year ago today... back before SL breaks; before self-owned and operated strip clubs; before FORM, Miau Haus and PXP; before Gorean Masters; before the wand game, BK Skanks. It was a good night. I remember being surrounded by the people most important to me. Even nooblet Lanae was there:P And I made out like a bandit! Much love to my wonderful friends then and if I haven't said it enough before, that you so much... you guys warmed my heart! Of the following year, I have remained close to those same people. It is very good to realize that as I celebrate another birthday I would have those same people around me in addition to the new friends I've made and the way-back friends who are once again in my life. So, to Aly, Nite, Lanae, KO, Zab, Jag (though who knows where u are Mister!): thank you and I am happy and honored to be close to you still. To my newer friends, Jelly, Akasha, Isabel, Raphael: I am grateful to know you and to call you friends and look forward to much fun and laughther. And to older friends who have come back into my life, Maree, Orso, Starlight: it's been a gift to have you back in my SL again and thank you for everything! I may not be able to be in SL this time around for the celebration, but y'all better be sending me lotsa gifts anyhow! LOL. It's been a very good year and I look forward to much more fun and many more exciting adventures! OK! End Mush :P


♥ JellyBean Madison ♥ said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday My Dear Rosie. Hope your spankings were provided by someone tall, dark, and handsome!