Saturday, September 09, 2006

Desperately Seeking... and more (Dear Rosie Letters)

Ok, catching up some on the letters!

Dear Rosie,
Everyone says I'm smart and funny and attractive and such, but I can't seem to find a decent relationship. I have friends and I have a toy here and there, but what I want more then anything is to just have a stable caring relationship with someone who I am attracted and who I care deeply about. Is that too much to ask? Where is that guy for me?
Depretely Seeking... Something
Dear Desperately Seeking,
You have it all going for you... remember that. You are smart, attractive, and have a good sense of humor. Your friends see the best in you which means there is much wonderful about you to share with those around you. The problem is that men kinda are dumb and sometimes let good things slip through thier fingers or fail to realize what a true jewel you are when they come across someone like you. Don't despair. *That* guy is out there for you! Best thing you can do is sit tight, enjoy your life, and do what you want to do. He will come along when you are least expecting it and having the time of your life!
Dear Rosie,
How come almost everyone thinks that we all need a romantic companion in game? Is there something wrong with enjoying the single SL? People act as if they feel sorry for the single people and they take on the role of matchamaker. Have they ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, they WANT to be single? What's so wrong with that?
Single n lovin' it
Dear Single,
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the single sl experience. Go on with yourself... sow your wild oats, be fickley and fun! The problem is you are bothered by other's opinion of your choice of sl. Could it be that maybe you *do* want a romantic companion in sl but don't want to admit it? Food for thought!
Dear Rosie,
Everything is all about me. Did you ever notice how that works? For instance, upon reading your last 2 batches of Dear Rosie Letters, I became convinced that there were quite a few that were about ME. I don't know if they are or not. If I think about it I've done alot of the things your other readers have written in about. Sure, I get around and I am such a stud, but should I be concerned that so many of the topics addressed in your letters make me think of myself?
Possibly Paranoid
Dear Possibly,
If, indeed, many of the topics discussed are similar to your own issues, then perhaps you should heed my expert advice. That you find your own behaviors characteristic of what you've been reading is a huge red flag, though. If you could be so kind as to provide me and my other readers with your identity, I'd appreciate it greatly! Would make it so much easier to avoid you! Thanks so much. You're a sport. =)
Dear Rosie,
There is this girl I have flirted with off and on for a few months. I've tried to convince her with my words that I enjoy her and that we could have something very special together. I'm a busy guy and fall slave to IMs often... alot of times while I'm spending time with this girl. But I always read chat history to make sure I respond to anything she's said or I just log out without any warning and get back to her the next time I'm around. Sometimes I just fall off the face fo the pixel planet or "take an SL break" without telling anyone. But when my IMs are done or when I return from whatever break I always renew my pursuit of that one special girl. For some reason, though, she has thus been immune to my considerable charm. It's bizarre! What is her problem?
Charmingly Clueless
Dear Clueless,
I'm happy you realize how clueless you are. Do you think that being so blatant about prioritizing her last is the way to woo her properly? Could be that she questions what you say because you are a flake and don't exhibit the actions to go with your words of devotion and love everlasting. I'm thinking you should stick with meaningless, casual interludes. And many of them! Oh, and pay no attention to the statistics that show a large percentage of female avatars are played by men in RL. It's just a game! Play it!
Dear Rosie,
Well, I've had a little trouble. You see, I'm a fiesty wench and sometimes I get a little riled up in the vicinity of an overly flirty man... or just alot around men in general. Often times when preparing to cut a man down to size, I like to lick my knife. The saliva gives the blade a little zing and makes it cut more smoothly when I stab a man through the heart. Plus I like the taste and the cool feel of the metal on my tongue. Well, the last time I did this, I accidentally slit my tongue! I had to have 7 stitches and talked with a lisp for several days! It was awful. I was wondering if you could recommend a good knife that would serve my purposes.
Knife-Lickin' Hoochie
Dear Knife,
Knife Schmife. Sounds like child's play. What a pro like you needs is razor blades! Just think of the sharp precise way you can lather it up with your tongue! In addition, razor blades are very effective on an adversary if used in a very specific manner. OR... you can just smile, let go of those angries, and maybe take up another hobby that has softer edges. Just a thought :)

Well that's all for now. Keep sending in those letters!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,

I have been reading your blog, and darn if I can make heads or tails of it. It seems as tho your advice is centered around the female perspective, and while I find this interesting and insightful, it is also virtually useless to me as a male. Perhaps ur male readers would want to check out your blog and then do just the opposite of what you suggest. I have found this to have worked wonders in my case, but maybe I'm an anomaly :P anyway thanks for the antiadvice! Keep up the good work!

Frowny McSnappersons