Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Signed: Destined & Demented

More Letters...

Dear Rosie,
Recently my boyfriend and I were having some difficulties in our relationship. We had broken up and then we got back together a few times. Well, I said screw it... I'm gonna get on my alt and go out and find me a new master. So, that's exactly what I did! And guess what happened. I met a master and he took me on... turns out this is my boyfriend on HIS alt! Does this mean we are meant to be together?
-Destined and Demented
Dear Destined,
Well.... yes it does sound like you're meant to be together... you're both just goofy as hell so get on with it already! Make a commitment and knock it off!
Dear Rosie,
Just over the last couple of weeks, an old flame has re-entered my daily SL. After getting through the reasons why we split a while back, I am finding myself drawn to this guy over and over. I'm torn between feeling sucked into some sort of involvement with him and dealing with what exactly it is that I feel about our breakup. He's so much fun and being around him again is making me realize that he's like the old him. What should I do? He's fun and I still feel drawn to him, but what if he repeats his past behavior of shutting me out and disappearing?
-Sucked in Surely
Dear Sucked in,
Hmmm... sounds like some sucking up is in order! If you find you truly are interested in pursuing something again with this fella, you should ensure he really work for it. No pussy-footing around. He needs to proclaim his love for you in public places and commit to you that he won't repeat his bad behavior of the past. With that said and done, if he's fun and you are excited at the prospect of having him back in your life in that way, GO FOR IT. There is something to be said for not dragging *your* feet either! Hope this helps.
Dear Rosie,
I've been working really hard trying to win back my ex girlfriend. She is the best, most awesome girl I know and I want her back in my SL and committed to me. She knows I want her back, her friends know it... I definitely know it... I'm just waiting until she is willing to say that she trusts me with her heart again. I'm impatient to have her back though. What should I do to move things along?
-Impatient for Love
Dear Impatient,
Just how hard are you trying to *win* her back? Wooage to get an ex back should be quite substantial. Gifts, words of endearment, pdas,.. you need to let her know that you are thinking about her all the time. And don't slack off... not even if you win her back! Remember, words are cheap... it's the actions you use that can give weight to the sweet words you spin to make her soften. And be assertive. Don't just hint and drop tiny little bombs... be upfront and tell her you want her back. It's not enough that everyone just "knows". Tell her. Ask her to commit herself to you. And whatever it was that *you* did to cause the original breakup... fix it... don't do it again!
Dear Rosie,
The other day I had Amazing sex with this totally hot chick in SL. We had been flirting and I decided to send her rl pictures of my manly chest and of my package as showcased by my tidy whities. It must of done the trick of wetting her whistle, cuz wouldn't you know it?... she had sex with me! And it was AMAZING. Now I make sure to contact her whenever I can and iunno she seems kind of standoffish. But it was so Amazing... Yet she says it was just casual sex when I can't see anything casual about it! We were friends before and I just can't get her out of my head. How do I keep her close to me? By the way did I mention it was Amazing?
-Amazed & Attached
Dear Amazed,
Amazing. And yet she's not falling all over you? Did *she* say it was Amazing? Because I have a sneaking suspicion that she might not be quite as "amazed" by the experience as you are based on what you write here. First off, what have we learned from Rosie? Class? That's right, rl pics = big no no. You need to ask yourself if the pics you sent her really were drool-worthy. Chances are that the pics were slightly... ever so slightly... less intoxicating than you imagine them to be. So, ok, you sent em ... she slept with you so they couldn't have been all bad. From what you tell me though, frankly, it doesn't sound like she's quite enthralled with you and definitely sees what you share as casual indeed. I'd back off. Don't make yourself a nuisance. There are other fish in the sea. Step back and let nature take it's course :)

Alright my lil turtledoves, keep sending those letters in! And until next time... kisses and au revoir!


Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,

There's been alot on my mind lately. I've enlisted into the military, and will be going off to do what needs to be done. Here lately I've been neglecting sl and those in it to handle rl consequences, eleations, disappointments, etc. Now that most of those have been handled I'm finding my attention returned back to sl. I have someone I truely do care deeply for on sl and she has been very understanding through all of this.

I just can't help that feeling of abandoning her, and the sl friends I have made over the years (yes years). I will be gone eight weeks for boot camp, and my unit will probably become active shortly after that. (Iraq: "everyone gets a turn." George Bush)

How should I go about setting up the fact to these individuals that when I go I may not be comming back?

~The Great Dead Hero~

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
I have a great sl girlfriend and I really enjoy spending time with her. Sometimes, though, she wants me to pick up the phone and call her. Don't get me wrong, I like her... I do like the person behind the av. Is it wrong, though, for me to not want to take things into real life and try to maintain a game-only relationship?

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
I'm a simple guy with simple expectations. All I'm looking for is a hawt girl who will give me just 3 minutes of quality time a night. Well, and she has to be willing to embellish to her friends and tell them that I gave her 3 HOURS of ecstasy. For that girl, the right one, I'd become her sugar daddy and keep her in a lifestyle where she'd have everything she wanted. Can you help?
-Staminally Challenged

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
Let me say THANK YOU! I wrote in before snubbing my nose at your advice... saying it was too much from the female perspective. Remember me? Well, at first I was annoyed and a little pissed at your reply. To think you would actually acuse a devoted reader and such a manly man as myself of being gay! But, thank you. How could you have read me so correctly? Correctly enough to know something about me that I didn't even know about myself! So, now I'm working on accepting my true self and dealing with the obstacles of my true sexual identity as I come to them. Thank you again! I'm now a Dear Rosie reader for life!