Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wednesday 9/6 Letters

Wow I didn't think there were that many sl'ers out there in such desperate need for advice. I will get to as many of the letters as I can tonight! I know that you out there in in the throws of emotional and romantic chaos and I'm here to save the day! I'm going to start with a few letters I received in email and then go on to address the situations left in my comments.

Dear Rosie,
I'm not quite sure what to do. The amount of girls who seem to swoon over me makes my head spin! It's like all fun and games at first, ya know. I meet a girl, we flirt, and then *inexplicably* we find ourselves... umm... naked? The next step is usually that I tell her whatever it is that I think she wants to hear whether or not it's true. I just really think it's important to present myself in the best possible, most flattering light. Always. So, if I feel it's necessary to tell a girl I've just slept with that we are destined to be together, it's only because I wouldn't want her to realize that all I wanted was sex; and besides, I really want her... and everyone else to think I'm a Super nice guy. You know women... they all have expectations. And, well, since I'm such a superb catch, we all know those expectations would undoubtedly extend, of course, to love, SL bliss, and eventually *gasp* real life. How could it possibly not? Oh, woe... it's so complicated being me.
Utterly Swoonable
Dear Utterly,
Hmmmmm. I'm not quite sure why you are writing to me for advice. Seems like you have it all figured out... and, apparently, without even having to come right out and confront these girls to ask them what exactly they might expect. So, you're a psychic Don Juan. Impressive. Just a couple of observations, though. Of course I take your word for it that you are quite the "catch" ::Pinches your cheek and shakes it:: Do you think, though, there's even the slightest chance that any of these girls, upon experiencing your alleged sexual mastery, failed to immediately begin planning your futures together? Yes, it does sound complicated being you since you feel the need to say whatever it is you *imagine* these girls want to hear regardless of the actual truth. My advice: be honest. Be upfront.
Dear Rosie,
I brought BK. I'm a sexy, well-built, attractively dangerous male who lives in the UK. I'm ridiculously rich and wildly successful in both RL and SL. I'm hoping you can help me find a great girl in SL who likes to shop, knows a good Whopper when she sees one, and would enjoy having someone lavish her with obscene amounts of Linden and attention. Did I mention I brought BK? ;)
Hot Sugar Daddy
Dear Daddy,
Call me, heyyyyyy!!
Dear Rosie,
A couple of weeks ago I slept with this girl. The next day I told her I'd meet up with her later that evening, but I couldn't be bothered. Well, when I logged in the following day I fully expected that I would have some sort of offline message from her telling me how much she wanted me, how she'd missed me that night, blah blah. But this wasn't so! I was flabbergasted! I haven't talked to her since, nor have I made any effort to. Frankly, I'm a little hurt that she doesn't even seem to think enough of me to pile on the IMs and plead with me to give her just one more taste of my sweet self. Have I lost my sex appeal?
Poor Me :(
Dear Poor,
So, what you're saying is it's ok for you to blow her off... no message saying "I can't make it" or "sorry I missed you", but the audacity of her to not try to approach you is unthinkable? Hmmm. Sometimes you have to do a little of the work yourself.
Dear Rosie,
Sometimes I just don't get it. Why does SL have to revolve around relationships? Sure, all of my friends are in one or have been. Sure, I've had mine... but wtf? And, yes, I have been looking for some kind of "relationship" if you catch my drift ::wink wink:: But it just seems like people are pairing off. Meanwhile I flirt with mad abandon and act all... relationships - Bah! It defies nature! What's up with that?!
Male Seeking Female
Dear MSF,
And it's because you're not in a relationship that you have the time to philosophize about the common thread of SL being about relationships. Just admit it. You can't beat em so you might as well join em! Getchurself a nice girl to occupy your time and, for fucks sake, spare us all the anti-relationship rhetoric.

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