Okay you naysayers, the proof is in! Another theory on what is bad for you is being debunked! Sunday's Parade in the paper has an article by Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld revealing that coffee may *indeed* be good for you. So, drink up!
In the article, Doc says that for most people drinking no more than three cups of coffee a day does more good than harm! Can you believe that?! It's like a green light to chug-a-lug! And while I'm thinking this morning OMG I have to blawg this so everyone can go ahead and percolate, I find that blogger is being a bish! So, what happens? Coffee + not being able to blawg + Jelly mocking me with her ability to blawg (she so hex'd my blog) = Rosie being uber jittery. So, maybe despite the findings, the caffeine might be damaging when combined with jelly :P
Anyhow, it's said that coffee actually contains a bunch of antibacterial compounds that protect against infection (one of them even helps prevent dental cavities)! Some ingredients may reduce type 2 diabetes, and can prevent gallstones, reduce symptoms of Parkinson's disease by allowing the release of dopamine into the brain, and even preserve cognitive function!
Though there are some concerns over coffee raising cholesterol levels, it is found that this happens only when the coffee is boiled or prepared using a French press.
Though I could repeat the whole article for your reading pleasure, let's just chalk it down to this: Rosie says it's ok to drink no more than 3 cups per day, so have at it! Just avoid combining your daily drip with large doses of Jelly :P
Everyone should have Cawfee with some Jelly... ON TOAST! :D
OMG How can you not be a fan of JELLY!? ::tear::
no more than 3 pots of coffee, got it! that shouldn't be a problem. and psycho, grab me a triple venti latte' puleeeeze!
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