Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Dear Rosie... Signed: What About Bob

Dear Rosie,
OMG... Life as we all know it is over! Bob had died!! Bob is my, ummm,.. you know... toy. I just don't know what to do, I'm in a state of panic! One minute I'm "bobbing" away, and then POW he goes kaput! I'm a handy girl, so I tried to fix him... connect a couple wires, weld a bit, and viola! Bob worked! But as soon as I really put the pressure on, bob started smoking! At that point I figured it was time to put bob to rest :( Can you recommend a bob-replacement?
~What About Bob

Dear What About Bob,
I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about :O But perhaps I could suggest that when you get a hold of your next "bob", you go a easier on the lil guy.

Dear Rosie,
Have you ever had one of those wonderful nights? The kind you spend with someone special just talking all night long? I had a night like that and it was like a turning point. The guy has been a friend for some time, but this night things were different. I'm not sure how to explain it. He made me feel amazing and we were both so in tune that the night just flew by! How do I make the transition from friends and what should I do to find out if he thinks our connection has grown as well?
~Seeing Stars
Dear Seeing Stars,
Awwww. Sounds special indeed. The feeling of your heart going pitter pat is wonderful, although I'm sure there's a small amount of fear that goes with it. Of course it would be great if he came to you and told you he felt the same... but don't disregard the possibility that it might also be great if you took the initiative. I say just go for it. Tell him how you feel and don't delay! Time is short and wondering can overshadow all else =) I hope this helps.
Dear Rosie,
I have met many great guys in SL and have enjoyed the memories and the fun. The problem is that when I am with someone, everything seems to be going good, we are happy, and I think how fortunate I am to have found a partner to share my second life with. Then, inevitably, rl plans or circumstances pull me from my sl, even if only for a weekend, and everytime I return to sl... something has gone amiss with my relationship. Are relationships in SL only tough enough to survive if you are able to spend time with your significant other every day?
~Weekend Heartbreaker
Dear Weekend Heartbreaker,
Sounds like a series of bad luck... kohinsnduhns. A relationship in SL should be able to withstand short absences. But you've got to question the ability of these guys to entertain themselves and have a little more patience and endurance ;)
Dear Rosie,
I'm a socially adept, attractive, quiet guy and I have about 793 friends. The thing is that only 2 of these friends are other guys. I just find that I get along better with women, and who could blame me? They flirt and act cutesy... flatter me and practically throw themselves at me. Just so many beauties, so little time. I try to spread myself around, you know, give them each small tokens of my attention. In return I expect them to make me feel like a king among pixels and to put out on command. If they can't do this, well, I just don't have time for them. I can't waste alot of energy on chit chat. Does this make me a manwhore?
~The Shiznit
Dear Shiz,
Dear Rosie,
I have a problem. I was out last night with a great guy, but couldn't stop thinking about another guy that I'm head over heels for. The guy that I was out with is nice and sweet and everything any girl would be happy to have. Even ME! But I can't get this other guy out of my head. They are both very great guys! I just can't seem to stop thinking/wanting/missing the other guy.
Dear Hooked,
Depending on what you want sounds like you need to make a choice or not. You can go along with both, or draw a line and decide what you want and what will make you happy and make your sl more complete. Ask yourself if you spend time with the other one thinking/wanting/missing the one you were with last night. If this is true also, you may just want to play the field and have them both! Put them on shifts and enjoy!


♥ JellyBean Madison ♥ said...

Hey now! Only you can prevent BUSH FIRES!

phojam said...

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe you should consider these spray on bob liners that I have seen at the auto part store. You can get them in pink, and they real durable. also, maybe u need to start with a bob that is rated for your, um, neeeds. like the plug-in to the wall, solid steel, professional grade bob. might cost a bit more, but you'd probably save on batteries, and no more bobless nights (days, weekends). Oh, one more suggestion, a backup bob, just in case...

phojam said...