Sunday Anshe Chung Studios came out with a press release declaring that Anshe Chung Becomes First Virtual World Millionaire. It's funny I heard about this from someone who doesn't play Secondlife but has heard of it and knows that I play. I was told "there was an article on cbsnews.com that someone had achieved the first million in a virtual game."
Do you know what I always think first off when I hear this kind of stuff? Hmmm... which designer is that rich? Who's making the real money? ETD? Yeah turns out notsomuch :P Of course it's Anshe! How could I forget?
The press release states that this figure of 1 million dollars is probably a conservative estimate given her in world holdings and amount of actual lindens in her accounts. I think it's great and more power to her although I do hate buying Anshe land myself.
The point is really how this stuff brings the inner workings of Secondlife to the mainstream. All this time inside the game - 2 years in January- and I still review news like this in a little bit of awe. It's so inconceivable to people outside the game. "You mean they invest in virtual land in a virtual world and are making money off of other people's imaginations?" Well, iunno... I guessssss.
And yet though I am familiar with sliving in a virtual world it still strikes me when I read an article about my beloved SL in the "real" world. To me, although I have experience in it, yes it's mind boggling as well. To try and see it how others see it when they have no familiarity with the online community that I am a part of. I admit it can be daunting.

Which brings me to other world interest stories. I wasn't there for the outrage and in world calamity of Copybot, but O did I hear and read. I am an avid blog reader and in addition to the words of my friends, I pour over fashion blogs and personal blogs of people I rarely interact with. I just have an interest in how other people spend their second life and it's a great way to find out about cool gadgets and sites. So, yes, I am aware of Copybot and the ensuing hysteria. What it might interest you to know (if you didn't already) is that this issue gained exposure outside of SL too. The article I came across is entitled: Second Life Will Save Copyright. In it the writer asks "What's happening now in Second Life is a grand experiment, and one that has implications not just for virtual worlds, but for IP protection more generally. Are digital goods in virtual worlds more like music or fashion, more like movies or food? Will the Second Life community find a happy medium that allows inspired creativity without hindering their growing economy?" Very interesting if you ask me and something else that gives me pause and makes me really look at this sworld I share with others and see it perhaps as others outside might.
The moral or the story, good girls and boys, is the things you do count. It's a unreal feeling to look at all those designers and creators banding together and see it catch the eye of blogs and news sites that don't revolve around sl.
1 comment:
I'm with ya there on NOT buying land from Anshe Chung... she (and others) have made buying land so much more complicated than it was before! There's usually some kind of "covenant" attached to the land so you have to follow rules and stuff. Ugh! I guess I just like things to be easy and just buy the land an do whatever I want with it...lol. I don't mean to be a "hater" or anything... kudos to her for being such a success :-)
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