Back in the semi-early days, before I went blondeish/strawberry/sometimes reddish, me and Aly spent alot of time in foofy clubs. It was at The Edge where I'd dragged Aly one night. We had been being anti-social, building, setting up vendor spaces. I was bored and looking for some trouble. Aly was nice enough to keep me company. I was suffering monumental heartbreak at the time and was basically in desperate need for some fun. I was tired and blah, but was forcing myself to pretend I was having fun getting out and doing something. It didn't exactly work.
I don't remember much about that night at The Edge, because right after we got there, I fell asleep :P and was subsequently logged out due to inactivity.
Aly, left to wondering about my lengthy afk prior to my hasty disappearance, noticed a barefoot nooblet who had come along to the then #1 most popular place in SL. This would be Jag Harker. They hit it off and soon our group of friends began to grow and I met some very interesting people. Nitestar and Heaven, KO and Zab, and Max, the explosives guy.
We soon learned that Jag had an aversion to leaving objects alone. He has always been one to click on the transparent clickies on avatars, no matter what they might be or whether or not he knew the person. He insisted on taking apart everything he could and putting it all back together Jag-style. He seemed to have a specific interest in making things fly, and many times we found ourselves hurtling through sims on snowmen, benches, and other various objects that, before Jag, had not flown. Jag was also prone to causing destruction and chaos and killing us repeatedly. This started with huge pink pogo dildos and bathtubs at Heaven and Ledge's, and then flames, dolphins, and flora of all kinds on the deck outside Zab's house across the water in Tecta. Later, Jag created a box o'chaos, which when clicked would tell us how exactly we were gonna vandalize the next friend's home :P With such categories as "food", "cats", "xmas", etc. That's how Nite's castle ended up ready for a white christmas inside and Aly & Eph's house ended up with mewing and hissing cats from all surfaces and ears and whiskers on the portraits of Aly and Eph on the walls (shhhh I don't think Eph ever heard about that).
Upon returning to SL earlier this year after a break, Jag was solicited to help with additional elevators to help get guests up to my club, EXPOSe', up in the sky. He was scripty and could quasi-copy the elevator we were already using that Zab had made so that we would have enough transport. What I hadn't counted on was that Jag had to personalize everything. Jag completed the project, and to my delight, later I found that our guests arrived doing a march on that disc as they rose in the sky 500 meters. This cracked me up and was a constant source of humor and reminder of Jag.
Jag and I philosophized and harrassed. He went on super secret spy missions for me when I got my Starax wand. Overall, he's one of my closest friends in sl and I miss him dearly. I have been unable to get a hold of him and can only hope that when I get in sl I can eject him from a group so that he'll get some sort of email which might bring him back like last time:P
Come back Jag!!
Jaggies, baby - dont get crazy
Detours. fences... I get defensive
I know youve heard it all before -
So I dont say it anymore
I just stand by and watch you
Fight your secret war.
Although I used to wonder why -
I used to cry till I was dry.
Still sometimes I get a strange pain
Oh, jaggies, if youre hurting so am i.
Jaggies, honey - I got some money
All is forgiven. listen, listen
And if I seem to be confused
I didnt mean to be with you.
And when you said I scared you,
Well I guess you scared me too.
But we got lucky once before
And if youre somewhere out there
Passed out on the floor.
Oh jaggies, Im not angry anymore.
*wipes tear* Awwwwwwww! M-U-S-H!!!
Jagurnot! I haven't seen him log in to msn or yahoo in over a month even :(
Happy to update you all that Mr. Harker is alive and well although in no hurry to return to the rigors of SL.
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