*Vandalism is the sincerest form of flattery
*Burn the friggen' bridge... it wasn't leading anywhere good anyhow
*When in doubt, blame someone else
*Delete cards first, ask questions later
*Mebbe he *does* wanna be a french fry... you never know
*I'm not sure I wanna bring the funk anymore
*Friends + Honesty isn't always required :P
*If u need a scapegoat, use Jelly
*Fook em... if they can't take a joke
*I'm huge in Japan
*Always look where you're typing before you hit send
*You'll more often regret the things you didn't do than you will regret the things you did
*Prim eyelashes + ETD couture hair with alpha'd bangs = not good
"If u need a scapegoat, use Jelly" omg you're confusing it... It's like this...
"If you need goat porn, ask Jelly". Gah!
Oh yeah she's got the mad goat porn hookup too...
Omggg Rosie! those are things to live by for sure!!!! Ty soo much for sharing your wisdom with us and all your readers! And ummm What are you talking about this "Vandalism" thing? I know not what it is! <.< >.>
You forgot the old adage: We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
I think Ben Franklin's bunny said that.
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