OMG, it's so rude! Why do people think it's ok to deface such a place like the Block? I'm so sorry to Zab and DT and the gang there. Whatever childish, undignified acts those hooligans committed, you don't deserve it. Imagine! TPing the Block!
If it's any help I saw one of em running away, all purple haired and all. I tried to holler at her to stop and clean up the mess she made, but she only looked at me and kept running.
You guys are great and I can't imagine the level some people will stoop to vandalize and create a ruckus. I hope it is fixable and if you need me to come in to do a composite sketch of the suspect, I'd be happy to oblige! It's just terrible and I feel really bad for you guys.
OMGGGGG the rudeness of some ppl I swear!!! what has the wold coming to? Can't just run a respectible establishment without the thought of such hainess crimes!!!!!
*I* know, huh!
Kids these days! It use to be blamed on all the violence on television. In today's world the blame should go to the online gaming envirorment. If they were reading a good book and furthering their education they wouldn't have time to TP the Block!
I say we lock them up and take their SL password away.
OMG! was that today? Ya'll we're suppose to call me!
Err I mean... OH MY GAWD! Who would do such a thing!? I'm appalled & disgusted! :O
I smell rats... and I dont mean the sexy kind Noam makes either...
Oh - whos that sexy male in the advert behind, has anyone got his phone number! SEX SEX SEX!!!
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