I really didn't think it was fair that his only exposure on my blog was when he screwed up, and although Posy beat me to it with her expose on Stewie, I thought it was overdue for me to try to repair Sebastian's fine feline reputation.

And yes he does sit like this alllll the time. I think he thinks he's a little furry human. We don't call him out on it. He has many names and rarely goes by Sebastian, unless he's in trouble. Some of his aliases include: Pookie, Pookahontas, Lil' Bug, Chicken, Baby Kitty, Flabby Tabby, Angel, Stinky Pet, Poofies, Fuzzball, Bassie... just to name a few :P
He enjoys sleeping and cleaning himself, leaving shed fur all over the place, clawing the furniture, chewing on plastic or anything that makes a nice crunchy noise, water out of the container for watering the plants (it's O so much different than the water in his bowl), shoe boxes, Feathers on sticks, catnip, shoelaces, window sills, hanging out on the patio, newspapers.

Yeah they said it would be mean to box him up when he jumped in the box... and you know he would've... he's a cat! But how can it be mean when he's so cute tryin to get out?

He seems to think this box fits him and pays no mind to the fact that his tail and head hang out like now, nor to the fact that this same box is now stretched out on both sides... yes he's made it his own :) (isn't he the cutest cat in the whole wide world?!)
He has the cutest little niblet teeth that he never let's me look at and tufts of white hair sprouting out from between his toes on his back feet... like a hobit. He cries for the birds that fly around just outside the patio door and goes nuts for peas, chicken, or ice cream.
Despite the whole poop thing, I swear, he is the bestest kitty in the whole wide world!
Awwww he is the cutest lil kitty! =^.^=
I just LOOOVE tabby cats! Sebastian, you're adorable...and yes, that box fits you perfectly :D
He really is the coolest, fluffiest cat I've ever met. I would have stolen him if it wasn't for the week we spent in SF with no place to hide him!
He couldn't have been stolen! he's totally neurotic and paces the house, I'm told, in my absence :P Mama's boy lol.
O_O AW!!
Sebastian kicks my cat, Poe's, fuzzy butt in cuteness.
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