Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Incredible Edible JellyBean!

Okay, so if you already think that I am Jelly alt #348457348758398202 then this video won't change your mind :P rofl

If you happen to cruise by my blog from time to time, well then, you already know the magic that *is* JellyBean Madison. I thought it well past time, however, to pay her homage in the best way possible... blog it of course!

I think over the months that we have become good friends, we have infected each other with different habits... or fixations if you will :P Jelly was my inspiration for starting my own blog and in the blog sensation of Oct/Nov '06 I credit her with many of the new blogs that appeared written by people we know. How could you follow Jelly's sometimes cryptic, always entertaining, and opinionated blog without wanting to take a crack at it yourself?! She definitely wins the prize for Most Consistent Blawg and makes me hang my head in shame that I can't even come close in terms of content and entertainment value!

She is my most favoritest shopping partner and competitor. Our tastes in fashion differ as often as they mesh. Where Jelly tends to be more rough and tumble, dirty, grungy, holey and scraped, I, on the other hand... bathe regularly! JOKING! Don't call out the SL health department!!! Nah, I'm just more of what she'd call an SL Barbie. In any event, she turned me on to blogging, I turned her on to bloglines, she turned me on to more blogs :P I don't really know who is the more avid blog-reader (115 feeds, Betch!) and I don't want to know, lol!
Back to the beginning, though, to how we met... Who could have thought that what started with her throwing a bug on me while I met with her bf to discuss wand zappage would end up with us being close friends? rofl... ok! so I flirted! Gah! I know you heard every single word cuz of the ILLEGAL listening device you cruelly saddled me with! Despite the initial deception, which I found amusing... err I mean Shocking! and just wrong!... we began to chat and hang out more. I learned all about the joy that is Jelly. Here she would interject something about sleuthing I'm sure. Not Sloth :P She would start acusing me of sending in my own wand infiltrator shortly after meeting her. Lies, I assure you. Although she finds it highly amusing that I am an "sl sleuth", I have to point out that anyone with a Mysti Tool and a friend with mapping rights can be a Junior Detective too! :: stares pointedly at Jelly:: Apparently, anyhow. Yeah, so as for spy work, conspiracies, and undercover alt exposes, I'd have to say we're pretty evenly matched.

In her own words, Jelly recently described herself:

Hi, I’m Jelly… I pay my own way, I’m housebroken, I am good at entertaining myself, I like tringo & cheese. I have a tendency to chew on my own butt, carry numerous arsenals, claw furniture, disrupt tringo, shop too much, and I have been told I’m a chronic complainer. I’m a good listener but a better talker. I read well, I write with a fluffy pink pen and I can quote works of Edgar Allen Poe & Anne Rice. “If it ain’t fun… run!” is my motto and I eat drama for breakfast.

Pretty sure she was on an eff-you-this-is-my-blog mini rant that day, so that is only a portion of what she is. She is fun and helps others to find the fun. She's like that extra oompf in my hair on a good day, the spring in my step :P Usually full of smiles. She has a gift for putting people at ease around her and also for lifting people up. She's a queen of gestures, many of which I gank for myself! A macinimaniac with a seriously silly side and a love of great music, she continues to find niches that enrich the slives of herself and others. She is opinionated, sharp, sarcastic, and loaded with pink goodness. She draws people to her with her charm and her spunky attitude. Oh, and is currently accepting applications for spots in her mantourage (just call 1-900-PINK-LUV for more info) :P

A wise pixel once said "Popularity is not about how others make you feel, it's about how you make others feel." He was talking about JellyBean Madison.

1 comment:

♥ JellyBean Madison ♥ said...

Haha my "mantourage" lmao Yesh please! :p Rosie I adore you, my sunshine when my clouds are grey. You never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my Rosie away. :D
You tote made my day :)