Saturday, July 28, 2007

I'll Have My People Call Your People

Busy Busy Busy!

Not really sure what it's all about but I've been useless lately. Apparently I'm quiet, distracted, uninterested, and incoherent :P This doesn't make me happy but it's probably true. I seem to put people off, make them feel awkward talking to me, etc. Yayyy go me. I'm accused of being "busy"... as if lol. I'm spending most of my time over the last few weeks doing all sorts of things except paying attention while in SL. Why log in?

Mostly I wonder what's wrong with me? I'm not a difficult person, however I'm not an easy one either. I just can't seem to do one thing at a time. Why? Well because alot of times it would be me just sorting inventory lol. Too busy, "party girl", always doing something... yes if you include standing in one spot in IM or shopping or picking something to wear. Worrying about what I should or should not say in this blog or that one... caring what impression I might be giving. Would be... might be ok if it was just me being "productive"... learning a skill or making something, but no. Wish I just didn't give a damn. And to the accusations of being too busy, I say I feel like I'm not busy enough! I like having alot to do... I don't like alienating everyone I know by making them feel funny or like I don't have time. I assure you I do.

I've taken on a few projects which will make me truly busier... in a good way :P But now I'm just trying to balance that with social time so that I'm not totally detached.

Edited so that my threats can't be used against me!! muahahahha

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