Saturday, September 02, 2006

Dear Rosie

Recently, I received a bunch of letters from men asking my advice on all types of relationship issues as they pertain to secondlife. If you are reading this it's possible that you know the same people who would dare to write me for advice. It is because of this, I believe, that these fearless souls have decided to remail anonymous. It *is* fun, however, to try to guess at who they may be so have at it! I am advising these gentlemen out of the goodness of my heart and the only thing I hope to get out of this is that they heed my advice :) And, if you are male and reading this and any of the situations sound similar to something you have or are experiencing, I suggest you heed the advice as well :P OK, here we go!
Dear Rosie,
Recently I began flirting with this delectible girl in SL. Sure, she's taken, but I was finding it boosted my ego to get her to flirt back with me. Go figure. Things were good, and we even progressed from chatting to her viewing me on webcam. Now, however, things have tamed a bit and she's not so quick to return my flirtations. What should I do?
Licky McInterloper
Dear Licky,
You *do* recognize she's taken and yet you persist? You understand, of course, that this flirtation is not going to develop into anything else, right? In my opinion, although flirting is innocent, you should be sure to not expect more. As for the cooling off after the webcam incident... have you thought of limiting your communication channels to typing or voice only? Just a thought :) Good luck.
Dear Rosie,
I'm so distraught. You see, there is this girl... a friend... well, more than a friend... no no she's just a friend. Anyhow, we have had this, um, "mutual agreement" of sorts. You know, we have a "close" relationship but with the freedom of also having no strings. It was perfect until she upped and found another guy! And now, although she has a chance at more of a relationship with this guy, I'm finding it very hard to let go. The times when I am able to give a bit, I find I become anxious and worried. What should I do?
Nervous Neil
Dear Nervous,
You said it yourself. She has a chance for more with this guy. Clearly that's what she wants or she'd still be embroiled in your "mutual agreement", and at your convenience. My suggestion to work through your anxieties is to spend some time studying the social behaviors of the Peanuts Gang. Remember, just because Linus needed to cling to the blanket doesn't mean the blanket wasn't destined for greater things than being clinged to by a nervous nelly. Time to let that go free, N. My best regards :)
Dear Rosie,
The strangest thing has happened! I accepted a job that would require me to sleep with other women, and because of that my girlfriend decided we should break up. I was shocked! How could she be so cold?! And, secondly, I'm wondering if my quiet and shy style will have any negative impact on my Linden-earning potential in my chosen field. Can you help me understand how my ex could be so unsupportive? And if you have any advice on how best to present myself at work, I'd appreciate that as well! Thank you.
Shocked N'Studly
Dear Shocked,
I'm no expert certainly, but the reason for your ex-girlfriend's lack of enthusiasm for your chosen profession could have something to do with the fact that you would be SLEEPING WITH OTHER WOMEN. Just a thought. Did you consider, perhaps, that sometimes women are foolish, silly things who get it in their heads that if they are intimate with you then it's not ok for you to be intimate with anyone else? And as for my advice on your chosen career, my advice is... try again. Actually, I'm somewhat curious about the fact that whoever interviewed you for this new postition thought that quiet and shy must be synonymous with confident and outgoing. It could be that your earning potential might be somewhat limited. Most likely your "customers" aren't going to *pay you* to do all the work themselves, as attractive as that possibility must be to you. Best of luck and keep up the good work!
Dear Rosie,
There is this girl I have known for quite some time. Actually, we used to be together long ago. Since then we have remained in the same circles and have from time to time been able to help each other out in business. In general we have remained friends with the same group of people. There have been ups and downs but I think we have come to a place where after it's all said and done we can be friends with eachother. Or at least that's what I thought :O But then she did something totally unexpected. She gave me her email addy to contact her if she wasn't in secondlife. WTF?!!! Sure she gave her contact info to most of her friends... but giving it to me? What is the meaning behind this? How should I respond? Does this mean she wants me? Please help.
Weirded Out
Dear Weirded Out,
Ummmmmm. She gave that info to most of her friends. You think that you and she have come to a place where you can be friends with eachother. Do you see a common theme in these two statements? The questions you should be asking yourself are A) Have I taken my meds today? and B) Is it rational to think that she "wants" me based on her wanting to stay in touch with me? Also, a good reply to her would be "kk". Friends and people alike enjoy that particular response :) Hope I helped.
Dear Rosie,
My girlfriend recently broke up with me. She tells me that the reasons have mainly to do with the fact that she has become disenchanted with SL and may leave the game. She says she felt that because of that it would be unfair to continue a serious relationship with me. What does this mean? She said we could be friends, too, and yet she refuses my romantic gifts. How can this be? It hurts and I'm so very confused. What should I do? Does this mean she really just wants me to disappear or do you think she *does* want to be friends? Why did she break up with me? What whas her real reason?
Dear Unraveling,
It sounds like you might be making this more complicated than it really is. I know you're hurting and struggling with this change of events, but searching for secret meanings that aren't there isn't going to help. Most likely she has been honest and given you her true reasons for ending things. Accept this. As for whether or not she wants to remain friends, it certainly looks like she does. But keep in mind that friendship does not include expensive, romantic gifts or the commitment of spending all day everyday in conversation with you. Give yourself some time to step back from this situation, and breathe :) Keep your chin up!
Dear Rosie,
My girlfriend and I broke up a while ago. Well, naturally, I began to flirt with her friends. Sadly, though, this did not generate any major interest. Why is this? Shouldn't I be able to work through all the girls in one group before moving on to other, newer groups? Whould wouldn't these girls cooperate?
Mojo Interrupted
Dear Interrupted,
Sooooo, you believe this group... these groups... to have been designed solely for your entertainment? No, it's not "natural" for you to flirt with her friends. My advice is that you branch out. Make other friends in other groups. Oh and by all means when you do this don't shy away from the trashiest of trashy psychos out there. Psychos need love too :) Best wishes on your quest.
Dear Rosie,
There is this girl. Sure I was terrible to her. I treated her to me expressing all parts of me .. good and bad. I was demanding and filled her head with new and exciting ideas that she later realized were full of shit. And then at the crux of our "relationship" I made myself vulnerable to her (appearancewise) and then totally pushed her away, thus proving to her what a complete ass I could be. I told her I'd used her up for all that she was worth to me and that I was done with her. But! I *did* offer to still fuck her as that might have been fun. But for some baffling reason she wasn't into this. I can't explain it. So, I went off to do what ever it was that I wanted and when I bored of that, I went back and tried to sweet talk her. But to my utter dismay, she could not be duped again. Sure I still map her and show up where she is with her friends unannounced. I'm sure it's a totally random surprise when I do. In addition, I say totally outrageous things and get away with it! Simply because everyone just assumes it must be a language thing since English isn't my first language. Ha Ha. But my hilarity and puppy-dogging doesn't seem to be having any affect on her. What should I do?
Self-Proclaimed Player
Dear Self-Proclaimed,
Have you heard of a multi-gadget? Or a personal security hud? Anyways, move on is my suggestion. :) Have a good day.
Dear Rosie,
Me and my love have been together for a little while. At first I spent oodles of time with her and now, lately, it's dwindled down quite a bit. Feast or famine I suppose. The thing is, I'm using my same sexual prowess as always, but it's not getting me the same response with her. You know, when we "do it" on the phone, I keep my voice calm and even. But for some reason she's just not as tickled as she once was. We do the same things all the time and it's comforting to have a routine, but sometimes there's this feeling that some of the magic has fizzled somewhat. What should I do?
Nice N'Steady
Dear Nice N'Steady,
You *do* realize that there are other and sometimes more exciting ways to describe what you like to do on the phone with your sweety, right? And, yes, routine and steady as she goes is nice. You want nice? Liven things up! Do something unexpected and keep always looking for ways to keep things fun and interesting. You have a solid base... now just add fun and mix!
Dear Rosie,
I have caught this wonderful girl and convinced her that she should be with me! She has many men who are competing for her attention and yet she chose me! My plan is to work to continue wooage now that things are hot and new and then over time I'm sure I'll cool off and get lazy. Cuz she'll be mine! Is this the best course of action in your opinion?
Sad Lil Emo Boy
Dear Sad,
Nooooooooo. Remember she is a goddess and never fail to treat her like the princess she is :)
There are so many more letters that I simply don't have time to get to right now. But if you like these so far rest assure dthere are more to come! :) Enjoy and have fun playing MY secondlife! :( Or you could email me biatches!


Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
I am an avid reader of your column and have experienced many of these issues others have written you about. I thank God for you everyday & your advice.
I do have an "issue" of my own. I have caught a case of the SL Blahs. Seems that my SL was perfect... Perfect house, perfect land, perfect bf, and the perfect sl occupation. I did all the right things, had alot of friends, and had alot of fun. Over the past few weeks I have married my sl bf & we partnered. Now things seem so dead end. There's nothing else to look forward to. I find myself seeking attention & fun. I absolutely adore my SL partner but it seems so stagnet & bleh. The wooage has stopped & in only a few weeks we've become the "old" married couple. What should I do?
Bored & Bitchy

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
I was interested in this guy awhile back but he had a major anger issue over stupid little things. Eventually we just pulled apart. Just recently out of a need for something to do I was looking up old friends profiles. I noticed on his that he put a first life picture up. Oh my God! This whole time I thought he was 12! Now add 60+ years! He's old, fluffy & balding! Does this make me superficial?
Ima Shattered

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
Im lonely and cant seem to find a girl out there for me. I know if I keep trying I will find one, but the girls I seem to end up with are always fat in real life. How can I avoid getting stuck with some Fat Bitch and get me some fine ass putang.

-Say no to the Jelly Roll

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
I have a close friend with benefits if you know what I mean. Recently I have found someone else to "fulfill" my needs and I feel I have neglected my friend. I'm worried I may have screwed up our friendship or my benefits. How can I keep my SL mate and my friend without screwing up one or the other? If things don't work out with me & my mate, I'd love to have my benefits reinstated.
Don't hate the Playa

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,

Can you hook me up with don't hate the playa. I also need a friend with benifits.


Hate the Game

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,

Can you hook me up with don't hate the playa. I also need a friend with benifits.


Hate the Game

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,

Can you hook me up with don't hate the playa. I also need a friend with benifits.


Hate the Game

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
There's this girl in SL, she's hot, funny, smart, and so attractive. I so want her. Problem is she's taken. I'm not sure she's happily taken but still taken. How can I can I catch her eye?
Hopelessly Unwooful

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
One of my bestest friends is on an unfortunate SL break & I miss her so bad. At first I thought shopping would help me cure my missing blues, but it's just not the same without her. Not to mention that she was a blog addict & kept me up to date on all the latest have to haves. I feel so disconnected. How can I let her know how much she is missed? Cause she soooooo is!

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
Everyone says I'm smart and funny and attractive and such, but I can't seem to find a decent relationship. I have friends and I have a toy here and there, but what I want more then anything is to just have a stable caring relationship with someone who I am attracted and who I care deeply about. Is that too much to ask? Where is that guy for me?
Depretely Seeking... Something