"This user has not shared his/her details with you"
moi?... certainly you don't mean me?
Translation: You've been BLOCKED, bish!
It's unthinkable... utterly preposterous. I'm like the nicest girl you will ever meet. Well, unless I'm fabricating drama to make a Dear Rosie blog. But all that aside, I'm a fairly decent person. Nothing, however, says "omg ur a total stalker" like someone BLOCKING you on skype. wtf ever. As if I did anything either. There I was just minding my own business boiling bunnies and next thing I know I'm persona non grata. Me, the way I normally play stuff is like oh, ok you've got me blocked... I'm gonna pretend like first off, I don't care, and secondly, I didn't even notice! Normally.
This just totally offends me. Now, I could understand if I was showin up at his house with a knife or spamming his skype box incessantly, but nope. I know I know, you're asking 'but if you're a nutcase would you really know that you are?' Seriously, though, I don't stalk people... well cept Jelly, but only cuz she likes it. And, yeah, it's a guy. Sure, I call him 17 times a day and tell him I love him all the time and when I don't get my way, I'm shitlisting his pooch for a hot stove and a big ole pot full of water... but that doesn't make me a freak, does it? :P
I am like totally deathly allergic to stalking and always consider I have a fairly heightened sense of pride and the concept of when I'm not wanted. How, then could a couple of random convos end up with me on the OMG-She's-Crazy-And-Needs-To-Be-Banned list? I'm utterly shocked and appalled. I don't think I've ever been muted or "blocked" by anyone before. Yes, I'm that saintly. So what gives?
Bleh, who cares? I'm flabbergasted... speechless. Morally offended. Oh, and the solution to this on skype? Well, let's see... I'd have to ASK for contact details and he'd have to approve it. Yeah, as if THAT'S gonna happen! Seriously people, if you wanna crush me, just delete me offa your list, blocking is so not necessary. I couldn't care less about not being able to contact you :P
OMG! Fluffy? You boiled my bunny, you bish! See that's why I blocked you this arvo! OMG! I'm.... I'm... I'm... well, was Fluffy gamey, or did he taste just right? I've always wanted to try rabbit. :P
Sounds like the rants of a crazy women....looks for block button ;)
-Killy Willy
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