Jell got me again... A lil something to do during downtime :D
Here are the rules:
(1) Each player starts with answering the questions about themselves.
(2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (answering same questions) and post these rules.
(3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose five (ha! I so changed it) people to get tagged and list their names.
(4) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. Are you and early shopper or a late shopper?
Always a late one though every year I resolve to start shopping earlier. And I have high expectations for the gifts I want to give so alot of times I am so disappointed in how little I'm actually giving that the gift ends up crap :P2. What is your favorite cartoon (current or passed)?
I'm gonna take this as a holiday question. Not sure those clay-things were considered cartoons (Rudolph and the Toys of Misfit Island), but I watched those every year. My favorite all time has to be Heat Miser and Cool Miser in Santa Claus is Comin to Town (that is the right one, isn't it? lol)
3. On a scale of 1-10, how competent are you on home repair projects?
1? lol actually prolly not that bad, but there is a tendency to freakout when certain things go wrong. I can build shit with directions and I'm meticulous about them. But fixing like water problems or electrical? Um, no, you must be referring to someone else. Of course I can change a light bulb... does that qualify?4. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Opening just one present on Christmas Eve before bed.5. Describe your favorite kiss? Do you give it or receive it?
Receive it. Who says it's better to give than receive? :PBonus (as in optional):What is the best holiday gift you have ever gotten? Best you've given?
I'd have to say one of the 'best' gifts I've received recently were the black market *prada* and *gucci* bags my friend Allison gave me. Best I've given? 1999 I made 2k packs for almost everyone I knew that included 2000 champagne flutes, poppers, confetti, decorated masquerade masks, hats, and assorted party fun items.Okay, I'm taggin: Gillian Waldman, Hawksrock Gunawan, Mygdala March, Alexx Markova, and Orchid Glitterbuck. Have at it!
1 comment:
Wuwu! MEME'D! On the same freakin day even! :o
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